Sunday, November 8, 2015

Am I speaking Chinese?

I have had many instances this week where I have talked to people or sent emails only to end up in confusion like I was speaking  Chinese or some other foreign language.  It was very frustrating & a few times I did lose my cool.

I was in church this morning wondering if God even hears me.  Well I am pleased to say that yes, indeed God does in fact hear every word I say....especially my prayers.  He has been very faithful this week to give attention to what I am saying & requesting.  He has been doubly faithful to answer my prayers.  Yes to the world I may be speaking a foreign language but my Heavenly Father I am speaking plain & clear.

It is awe inspiring when I have these God encounters.  Had a second encounter when talking with my sweet friend Mary.  She asked me to pray for her grand daughter a couple months ago.  Today she caught me after church, said she wanted to introduce me to her grand daughter.  She further stated that her grand daughter knew me.  Turns out I we met at a few church meetings a mutual friend used to hold in their barn.  Such a small world when we really think about it.

Been a very interesting day for sure, but one thing I have come away with is that we ALL can come as we are to God.  We can come at our best & our worst.  Matter of fact, it is when we are at our it spiritually, financially, emotionally, physically....that God desires we come to Him to receive His love, His blessings, His healing...but first on the list is His gift of reconciliation with Him through the loving gift of His Son, Jesus.  There is a song by Crowder called Come As You is a link for the YouTube video, but below are the words.  God doesn't just want the lost sinner, He is calling today those who are burdened, sad, broken hearted, those who are sick in body as well as spirit.  He is calling all His children.  Will you answer that call?

"Come As You Are"

Come out of sadness
From wherever you’ve been
Come broken hearted
Let rescue begin
Come find your mercy
Oh sinner come kneel
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can’t heal
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can’t heal

So lay down your burdens
Lay down your shame
All who are broken
Lift up your face
Oh wanderer come home
You’re not too far
So lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are

There’s hope for the hopeless
And all those who’ve strayed
Come sit at the table
Come taste the grace
There’s rest for the weary
Rest that endures
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can’t cure

So lay down your burdens
Lay down your shame
All who are broken
Lift up your face
Oh wanderer come home
You’re not too far
So lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are
Come as you are
Fall in his arms
Come as you are
There’s joy for the morning
Oh sinner be still
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can’t heal
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can’t heal

So lay down your burdens
Lay down your shame
All who are broken
Lift up your face
Oh wanderer come home
You’re not too far
So lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are
Come as you are
Come as you are

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Still around & still amazed at God

I know, I know; I haven't blogged in what seems like eternity.  Frankly, I got too busy.  Busy with just life & sadly too busy to blog.  But much to the chagrin of the enemy, I am still around & still amazed at God.  Amazed at His wonderful loving kindness, at His creative beauty in creation, still amazed He loves me when I am painfully neglectful of Him.  God is more than I ever imagined & better than I ever deserve.  I love You Father, I love You Jesus, I love You Holy Spirit....blessed Trinity I stand in awe of You.

I subscribe to & DO read "In Touch Ministries" devotionals.  Tonight's was beautiful & set my mind on my truly amazing Father....God.  It started out with Isaiah 40:12-31.....NOPE I am not going to have a spoiler MUST go read it yourself.  But I will give you a link, where you can go & find God's living word.  The devotional that goes with the companion scripture is as follows:

"If you ask a group of people what God is like, you will receive many different answers.  Some will say He is a force somewhere in the cosmos, while others picture a benevolent grandfather type who overlooks "little sins."  Most of the time, the description given will reveal more about the speaker than about the real Jehovah.  In fact, the true God might surprise you.

As the Father reveals Himself in Scripture, one word that's never used when referring to Him is "it."  God IS (emphasis mine) a person; in every reference, He is given a name (Yahweh, Elohim, Lord) or referred to by masculine pronouns (He, Him).  He fits all the attributes of personhood -- intelligence to reason, emotions to feel, & the will to make decisions.  From Genesis to Revelation, God displays these features.

Scripture also shows God's immutability.  Let us be clear about what that means:  Neither the Lord's nature nor His character ever changes -- He is always Spirit, and His love remains constant.  We can all expect that God's principles & laws will hold true & that He will act exactly as He has promised.  While He does adjust His emotions to fit a situation; delight, anger & other feelings are nuances of His being, not new traits.

God is eternal -- He has no beginning or end.  He is the same yesterday, today & forever.  No one created Him; God simply is.  That's hard for humans to understand, but if the Lord were completely explainable, He would be like us & unworthy of worship.  If we are to honor the Father, we should know Him as He really is -- eternal & unchanging."

I was blessed & reminded by reading Isaiah 40:12-31 of WHO God is.  Reminded by this devotional of His nature & that unlike people He is eternal & will not fail.  I am reminded of my Father, of my first REAL love....Jesus.  Reminded that I just need to slow down, take my time reading my devotionals (I like to read them out loud to my poodles who I hope patiently listen), take time to be amazed by our Amazing God & reconnect with Him to get what my spirit desperately needs daily.  I encourage you....grab your Bible or go online to read God's word.  Reconnect with the Fountain of Living Water.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Back & Bothered

I went to Bible Study tonight & frankly came away bothered.  One of the men leading tonight's discussion made a comment that frankly bothered me & continues to bother me.  So knowing this blog is here for me to share God's revelation in my life, my walk with Him & a place to vent; here I am....bothered.

This person I know stated tonight that "God's love comes with conditions....He requires us to be faithful, obedient,etc."  Frankly this flat out bothered me when he said it & continues to sit in my craw the wrong way as my Granny would say.  I don't know how anyone could say God doesn't love "unconditionally"....especially if they READ His word.  I pointed out to this person John 3:16, "For God so LOVED the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."  I am sorry but to me that means God unconditionally loved the world that He gave of Himself that none should perish.  No where does it say I had to be faithful before He gave.  That I had to be obedient before He gave.   God loved so He gave.

There is a sweet woman that comes faithfully every Wednesday night she is able.  She is a sweet lady who isn't as mature in Christ as many.  She is older than me in age, but in her walk with God she is a babe in Christ.  She is facing breast cancer right now & I am sure questioning God & trying to stand on His word that "by Jesus' stripes, she is healed."  I can't say I know exactly what she is going through, but I can understand.

Several of my friends who have battled cancer had moments of doubt & weakness.  Who wouldn't when your body is being bombarded by chemo & you don't see any immediate change in your circumstances.  I am praying my friend doesn't doubt God's love for her if & when she has a moment of disbelief; for disbelief is the opposite of faith you know.

If God only loves us when we are faithful & obedient then I really messed up last week when I lost my temper......I guess this means according to that 1 person that I am no longer loved & wasn't forgiven when I asked for His forgiveness.  I love this person, I truly do; but I can't abide by what was being taught in that moment.  I can't idly sit by and not speak up that you....yeah you who may be facing some pretty tough circumstances...God loves you & He cares.  You that might have landed on this page, started reading & stayed....yeah you that may not be living life like God desires.....He loves you & He cares.  That you that lost your temper today...yep you He loves & cares for.  You that may have told a lie, cheated on a test or worse your spouse....yep He loves & cares for you too.

Even though we ALL fall short of the Glory of God....He still loves us & NOT only when we do right.  He loved the world when the majority of the world didn't love Him & weren't walking with Him.  God loved & still loves the world that He sacrificed His Son, Jesus, so that we might have everlasting life with HIM...yeah Him God!  Nothing says love more then giving your all for another....and this is exactly what God did because He loved us all first.

I am praying right now for the 1 that said what he said,  I am praying for all the other people that were in the room hearing what he said.  I am praying for sweet innocent Melanie that she will never doubt God's love....especially in her time of crisis with breast cancer.  I am praying and & all that might read this post won't doubt God infinite love.  You right where you are; you are loved by the Creator of the Universe.  He knew you before the foundations of the earth were formed.  He knew every right & wrong step you ever made & loved you through each step.  He loves you so much He isn't willing to let you stay that way & end up going to hell.  All God asks of you is to confess your sin openly to Him,  Tell Him of your need for a Savior, Jesus.  Invite Jesus into your heart & allow the unending love of God to flow into your life, washing you clean as snow.  But then don't let it stop there....get into a good church group.  Allow His saints to love you, to teach you, to help God make the changes in you He desires to me.  He is a phenomenal Father who loves us all very much.  When we do wrong, He is disappointed in us but still loves us.