Pastor gave an unusual Easter sermon today...but hey my pastor isn't the conventional type. He preached on the status of your napkin. Ok before you gather stones and start googling where I live and worship...pull up a stump and listen to my story as granny would say.
It all started with Pastor handing out some paper napkins to each one of us with instructions of unfolding it and setting it close to be handy. You see there is a Hebrew custom that if one isn't done eating the diner would fold his/her napkin and lay it by his/her plate. This was a signal to the servant's that the diner wasn't done and not clear his/her plate.
Pastor went on to read the "normal" Easter scriptures...John 19:28-30, John 20:1-7, John 14:1-14. He went on to say that when Jesus died on the cross and was buried in the tomb but His story and our story wasn't over. Jesus wasn't finished and neither should we be. Check it out...John 20:6-7 " Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb; and he saw the linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded together in a place by itself." Did you catch that?? The handkerchief, some translations read "napkin" was folded together in a place by itself. Jesus wasn't and isn't done. Hallelujah!
In a boxing match, when the fighter is wearing thin from the match and the trainer wants to stop the fight, the trainer throws in the towel. So what are you going to do with your napkin? was Pastor's question. He said it was a personal choice and there wasn't any shame in our wadding up our napkin as long as we didn't throw it away. A friend of mine made his choice a couple of years ago, he confessed that this christian walk was harder then he could bear. Yes he has stepped away from the Lord, but he didn't hide his wadded up napkin so to speak. He didn't pretend his walk with God was ok, while inside he was moving further and further from God. God is calling him back I am pleased to say....pray with me that "Jason" will heed the call of the Lord and return!
So....I am sure you are wondering about my napkin. Well beloved if you are wondering I would highly suggest you read the previous posts of this blog. This "fat" lady isn't going to sing the song of the quitter! My napkin is pressed within the pages of my bible. It is now my bookmark, a reminder to not give up, to not quit & throw in the towel coz Jesus surely isn't done with me yet & I still have a lot to do for Him.
Speaking of "return to the Lord". I heard a song by Pablo Perez from the International House of Prayer....awesome song. I can't get it out of my head nor my heart. I heard this song about 2-3 weeks ago and it has been a prayer on my lips since. That this nation will return to her Lord God, that individuals would return to the Lord God. I pray those that don't know of Jesus and His love for them will come to know Him. I pray that those who have turned their backs on God will return, that their hearts be set ablaze with passion for Jesus like never before. I have been praying this humble blog will reach millions for my Lord & King. I have been praying...........
6 days ago
OHHHH thanks for the prayers. What a small world. From Uncle Ted's blog, I feel like I know you. Glad to finally see your blog. Happy to know you. Love, Leah