I ran into a friend & former co-worker that I haven't seen in wow 3 years! We stood outside the gas station talking and he told me to be behave myself. I told him that would be easy and he just laughed and said uh huh like he didn't believe me. But it got me thinking nonetheless. Am I the real deal...transparent before God and man? I like to think so.
The Father's word says confession is good for the soul...so with that in mind I must confess I got behind in my reading....4 days worth of devotions due to life crowding in....yet fodder for another blog. Thank goodness I get up early on Sundays, I read all 4 days worth and there were 2 from Daily Bread that stuck out and got me to thinking again about my encounter with Darrin. When people see me, do they see the real deal? Am I truly the same in day to day life like I am in church... or do I put on that wonderful "church" face just on Sundays?
Both devotionals centered around the same basic scripture but in different books of the Bible. The first one referenced Matthew 15:1-9 (go read it) and the devotion was about hypocrisy. How "non-christians" point out hypocrisy they see in us christians and use that as their excuse not to seek out God....but funny thing is the "non-christians" are really agreeing with God....check it out in verses 8-9 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." In this section of scripture the Pharisees were admonishing Jesus' disciples because they didn't wash their hands before the meal. The true law concerning washing was for the Levite priests to wash their hands before consuming the holy offering, but man changed it to suit himself. Ugh that flesh thing!
The second devotion referenced Mark 7:5-15 (again go read it), this was also the same senario but Mark's telling of it. This devotion was about lip service and being phony before God in worship.
My life day to day should be a testimony of God and His love sprinkled with my worship and love for Him for all to see. I should be a transparent open book for others to read. My Pastor said it one time before, if all the Bibles in the world were banned and disappeared what Bible would the non-christians have to read but your very life before God. I got to reading other people's blogs and pondering my question before God. Am I a hypocrite & do I give lip service or am I truly transparent before Him and others??........then faithful as He always is, He reminded me of a posting someone put on their blog about me and I had my answer.
Are you the real deal? Or are you like the Pharisees, dealing out God's law according to man on Sunday and living like hell Monday-Saturday? When you do go to church, are you worshipping out of your heart truthfully before God? Do you really mean those words you are singing or is it just lip service? Well beloveds, we christians are the Bible for most folks....open yourselves up and let others read what God has done in your lives and how God has loved you at your worst. Is this a vulnerable place to be? Yep....let's face it not every book in your public library is liked by everyone. But it is an awesome place to be as it is SO much less work being real then pretending. Have a blessed day in the Lord and thanks for sharing this journey with me.
6 days ago
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