God is good! Tonight at service God showed up in a mighty way. I haven't felt His presence like this in a long time. He spoke tonight and I have to blog it before I forget it. He said "American Dream or Eternity". Pastor Stacey was behind the keyboard singing prophetically and it came out via song...."I don't want to live the American Dream, I am living for Eternity."
God quickened my spirit....what is the American Dream. To sum it up by the Bill of Rights it is "life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness." While this is all well and good....there are a few loopholes. Yes, loopholes....follow the train of thought that came to me if you will. Life per the American Dream is living to the fullest, but it is a brief fleeting thing. It can be snuffed without a moment's notice. It's living the dream of success and fortune....take a look at the news these days and you will see fortune and fame fade.
Jesus, on the other hand, left this home in heaven and died so we could have life abundantly. I have only tapped into a portion of the full meaning of this and I lead a pretty good life so far! I haven't gotten the fullness of the "abundant life", but I can assure you I live in a comfortable home and I haven't missed a meal. I have everything I need and nothing I want, but I am quite happy and content.
The American Dream says liberty...well what is liberty. Loosely translated, liberty is freedom. Yes in American thanks to others laying down their lives to fight for it, I presently have freedom....but again take a look at the book of Revelation & the news. The freedoms I have now are slowly but surely fading away. Soon it will be a one world economy and religion. Oh so soon we will all be forced to choose...take the mark or loose your head...I choose Jesus and refuse the mark right here and right now.
Jesus gives me boundaries yes...but oh the freedom within those fences! He gave me freedom from my sins. He has given me freedom from past hurts and disappointments. He gives me daily freedom from my flesh! The American Dream's freedom is fleeting away, but Jesus' freedom is a lasting freedom.
The American Dream says "pursuit of happiness"....did you get that...pursuit of happiness without the guarantee of happiness. And what exactly is happiness, is it just a feeling of joy? A brief moment of being content as when we get something we have wanted for a long time? Is it achieve by acquiring things to fill the void, the hole in our soul?
God promises that His joy will be our strength....note that joy! Joy is much more then a brief moment of feeling good. It is an internal knowing of the eternal promise of God's love & protection, of His provision and guidance. Joy is a lasting thing that can't be bought or sold, bargained or traded for. Joy is a free gift from God that has no limits and bounds.
I hear the Lord say, "choose you this day whom you are going to serve!" So serve the American Dream or the Eternal for eternity.....it's a no brainer choice for me. As for me and my house, I choose to serve the Lord, the Eternal One. Be blessed dear fellow bloggers and seekers of the Lord! May you as well choose well!
6 days ago
Our dear Bert! All I can say is Amen and Amen! Your writings and your heart are truly indicative of the Holy Spirit of God within your heart, mind and soul. Bless you for all the many days and all the many ways you have blessed us! The Meeks love you!