I haven't posted in so long it almost seems foreign to me. So much has transpired since my last post. I found myself walking in the midst of prophecy. I got married according to God's promise & found myself in the midst of a new church body. I am still not sure what my place & purpose is just yet, but know I am there for a reason & purpose. It's just a matter of time finding out the what & why.
A dear friend of mine started writing. Her column is called the Psalmist's Corner. She hasn't made it to the blog world yet so I will gladly post what she has given so far. Here is her letter from April 2014:
"Happy resurrection day from the God of the Second Chance. It's never more evident than at this time of year that God is the God of the second chance. It's here in the Scripture John 3:16 & 17 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the word, but that the world through Him might be saved.
Notice I did not say the God of Second Chances. Our whole life after we accept Jesus as our Savior is a second chance until the day we die. Years ago, God told me this: Linda you are not your mistakes & your mistakes are not who you are. This is so right. After I accepted Jesus, I am not just God's creation, I am God's child. When I do make a mistake I go to the Father in Jesus' name, I repent in Jesus' name & am forgiven in Jesus' name, & go on with my life of the second chance.
For 2014: Every prayer we have ever spoken, wailed, travailed or wept is still in front of God in the throne room. When we speak them they take on substance & are manifested in the throne room of God. They are being charged & ignited' being formed into answers by the power of God. God is getting ready to charge the atmosphere all around us as the answers are being released & sent to us here on earth. Feel the electricity in the are all around you. The air is charged with the creative power of God. Be excited as we are about to receive answers from God. Answers, Answers, Answers, Power, Power, Power! Feel it, connect with it!!! No more delay, no more waiting, now moving in time with God. Instant backing & response from God. One with Jesus & flowing with the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord let the atmosphere around us be charged with Your power & glory. Amen."
6 days ago
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