I spoke with my friend Linda; scribe of the Psalmist's Corner. She & I are in agreement that God is calling His church to repent & get back to business....the Father's business. I have had a feeling in my spirit that we (the body of Christ & not just me) have disconnected from our first love. We have forsaken Him. We have forgotten our first love. Linda has been feeling the same thing.
Jesus should be our first love, our first priority. I once walked so closely with Christ that I heard & felt the moving of the Spirit on a daily basis. I have moved away from that myself. God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit hasn't moved, I did. I need to get back to that spot of worship & communion. I have been loving Jesus like earthly man has. I have viewed & operated in a relationship like earthly man does. He wants to do so much more in & through us then we have been willing to allow. I want to live abandoned again.
I guess that is why I have moved back to the first principle.....loving God. I started reading "Falling in Love with Jesus" by Dee Brestin & Kathy Troccoli. I am taking one day at a time to learn once again who Jesus is, how much He loves me, rediscovering once again the joy of His salvation.
Once we, the church, rediscover & reconnect with Christ we can then get about doing the Father's business His way, not our way! The church these days is just a meeting place for Christians to pat one another on the back. A place to feel good about ourselves. The Church is supposed to be a refuge & resting place for those that need the Hope of Christ & a safe place to abide in these troubling times.
The world is getting crazier as my Beloved Lord foretold to His disciple on the isle of Patmos. He is coming of that I have no doubt. I don't want to be left behind, but rather I want to partner with Him in these final days, hours, weeks, or months before He comes & well after He comes back. Want to join me in this journey?
5 days ago