I will be in sporatically from here on out...check back periodically to see if I have anything fresh from the Throne Room. Hanging out with friends in the God's word...Daily Walking Through The Bible. Seeking the face of God like I have never done before.
God called out to me before Jan 1st asking "Will you seek me?" My only answer was YES. So as I type this I have the praise and worship from IHOP (International House of Prayer) in my headphones and my heart is singing to the Lord. If you get a chance go to www.ihop.org and click on the prayer room tv link at the bottom right of the page. It's free, won't cost you anything materialistic but it will give your soul such prosperity. While you are listening to the worship, praise, intercession and prayer grab His word and start a fresh journey of intimacy today. God is calling out "Will you seek ME?" What is your answer? Are you willing to risk it all for His all? Don't worry about those around you...God will take care of them...just run to the mercy seat and cling to the Lord of lords.
6 days ago
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