I had a situation this past week that caused my heart to sink but my focus to go straight to the Lord. On Friday I had called a family member to make inquires of a personal nature. Rather than getting an "Are you OK?" or "Do you need prayer?" like I had hope to get I got "Ask, I am packing for vacation." I don't know if they meant the tone that was received, but it felt like I was a total inconvenience especially as the conversation went further along. Frankly it was cold & broke my heart......yes I cried buckets at the feet of Jesus.
Saturday morning when I woke up, I still had that crummy feeling like I was now not only an inconvenience to the 1 but perhaps many people in my life. I went about the day with my head down & my heart really down. In the afternoon, I attended a wedding with my beloved husband & my beloved Jesus. The bride was so beautiful, the groom so attentive to her that when the pastor asked them to hold hands he didn't let go.....not even when they hugged their family at the end of the ceremony. Yes this got the wheels turning in my head about Jesus, but I laid the thought to the side, considered but not fully pondered.
Sunday morning while listening to the choir singing & the pastor preaching I got the overwhelming feeling of love. The though I had Saturday was back in my head & I had a moment to ponder. Jesus never considered me an inconvenience when He prayed in the garden, never an inconvenience during the beating He took at the hands of fools, never an inconvenience when He was hung between 2 thieves.....even the 1 who asked to be remembered wasn't an inconvenience but a welcomed loved one.
Jesus died for me, He died for all. We were never inconveniences but moment to demonstrate His own & the Father's love for us. Moments to heal & reconcile....moments of opportunity. This got me to thinking of how I treat others in my life. I have pondered this thought this entire week & I was very mindful of how I treated everyone I encountered at work. God surprised me on Thursday with an Employee of the Month award.....His little way to reward me for being faithful to hear, receive, & act upon every lesson He gives me....even when they hurt.
My prayer today on Resurrection Sunday is to draw ever closer to Him. To be more like Jesus, to ever hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit & to treat everyone as an importance & not inconvenience.
5 days ago