For the 2 that follow my blog, I am sure you have been asking the question "where are you and when are you going to post?" I have been busy seeking God and in prayer. I have been following the blog of the Kipp family and have been doing some major prayer to get them through this leg of the journey. For new folks....go to and you can read all about the Kipp family and their journey for a liver transplant for their son Carter. Shout out to the Kipps, many hugs dearest family & go Carter go!
I find that the local assembly I gather with is getting many requests for prayer in the areas of healing & transplants. So fellow prayer warriors keep a little boy named Logan in your prayers. He is a dearest friend's nephew and he has had many surgeries for brain tumors....he is scheduled for surgery again on August 21st. It is believed his mommy, Dawn, may have the same condition that causes tumors to grow in the brain, but she won't go have it checked out nor surgery done. Sounds to me some sort of generational curse thing going on, so help me pray and break this off this family.
Another one is a dear woman named Belinda who needs a kidney transplant. Many things need to fall into place for Belinda, so please pray and surround her family with prayer. Please pray a donor comes forth that will be a perfect match and that the kidney will become one with Belinda's body. There have been so many medical advances in this type of transplant. God is so moving amongst the medical community!
Now onto what I have been seeking God on. Well about 2 years ago God spoke to me to prepare a room for my stepson as he was coming to live with his father & I. I had kept it in prayer and was trying to sort out stuff that was stored in the second bedroom of a mobile home we were living in. Needless to say trailers don't have a long life expectancy! This trailer was falling apart as fast as we could make repairs, so I started seeking the Lord as to what His plan and His best was for our family and the word HE gave me. Some of you may cry out "stone her!" but hang on. God's words says we have not because we ask not! So I started asking...God what is the next step? Do I stay in what seems to be a money pit (as I bought the place on contract and it was mine 100%) or are You setting us up to move? If we are moving here is what I see we need in a new place, but is truly is of YOUR choosing. It is ok to pray for a new home and to specific with what your need is. Yes God knows your need before you do, but like any good parent God likes it when you ask for it. God is so awesome and He orchestrated our family relocating to the next county in a beautiful new to us home. This home is an older home that was remodeled and it had everything me & God talked about for the past 2 years!
Today is the day my beloved stepson comes to live with us! He is expected to arrive sometime this afternoon. He is his mother's firstborn and I am sure it is rough for Nadine to send him to us, so pray she will find peace in knowing he is coming into a home of love and he won't be denied any visitation with her. Nadine and I have a good relationship, we communicate well with one another concerning B and life in general. So help me pray her through this part of the transition. I am not sure if this is just for this school year, or if B will finish out his education here. But I know this is rough on Nadine.
I have been seeking God and His presence to make ready for this next part of the journey. Having a 15 yr old coming in to my life to help mold and make. I am prayerful that Dad & I can help him through these years of his life....hormones changing and girls, peer pressure and grades. Such a rough time in a young man's life and we are prayerful that our life will be a good example before him.
Well I must dash to get ready for church. Many hugs, many thanks for prayer. May God bless the 2 that follow this blog! ;o) But may He also bless each and everyone that finds this blog in the vastness of cyberspace!
5 days ago